Saturday, March 7, 2009

Third Clinic Day

The clinic was busy today. Half of our group went to the village of Shimbwe and had a very busy day with no break. We saw > 100 people at Pamoja Tunaweza for eye exams, HIV test, tylenol and deworming meds.

People go from being helpless with an HIV+ test to empowered with knowledge of prevention and treatment. HIV does not have to be the death sentence that many people here think it is.

I saw a mom today who was tandem nursing her baby and toddler, a common practice in Africa and not unheard of in North America. She came to the clinic with grandma and two healthy children. She had been experiencing the pain of thrush on her nipples for 4 months! Nothing was going to stop her from breastfeeding her babies. We were able to give her some meds to help clear it up. It was so nice to see happy, healthy breastfed children in contrast to sickly fussy nonbreastfed babes. It was also great to see her have the much-needed support of her own mother with her.

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